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Living ART fully:  Love, peace, and beauty. 

Click on links above to display paintings by Kay Wise in your favorite genre. The copyright for Kay's image is held by TheWiseChoice.com.  The paintings shown here were all painted before Kay began taking art lessons from Suheil Baddor in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Expect soon to see new even more professional pieces.

In the meantime you may contact either Kay Wise or Suheil Baddor to commission new work.       We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. 


Also check art  at these shared links.


EBSQ The Self Representing Artists Site 


www.artromgallery.com  ARTROM Gallery, Rome, Italy, focuses on supporting initiatives which help promote artists and their creative research through international competitions, exhibitions, ONE PERSON SHOWS and Membership in the ARTROM Gallery GUILD. 


Webmaster:  Caladia@TheWiseChoice.com      © TheWiseChoice.com 04/25/2006