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Original Oil Paintings by Kay Wise

Click on a thumbnail to see any painting in a larger size.  One price fits all:  $289.


Lauritzen Brook with Coleus NFS

Original Oil on Linen 9x12 inches

In private collection


These paintings are available for purchase unless otherwise indicated.   Detail and/or higher resolution photos are available on request. 

Please note: the copyright for each image is held by TheWiseChoice.com.  If you would like a professional print or a digital file to serve as wall paper, we will gladly make one available at our cost plus a small amount for shipping & handling.    Just email your desired media and sizes. 

 For another treat, click on this the painterskeys.com community to visit one of my favorite art sites.


Webmaster:  Caladia@TheWiseChoice.com      © TheWiseChoice.com 04/25/2006